
A Lady's Purse

Lately my purse has been feeling really heavy! I thought I would see what was going on and here is what I found:

Now, can you find: twenty two cents, a Nintendo DS in its case, a pile of reciepts, a picture of myself posing with a hula dancer, two packets of instant oatmeal, a DS charger, my card case, two parking validations for the Gateway, fancy sunglasses case with the sunglasses in it (but you wouldn't know that), an apple, an envelope that may still contain a paycheck, my super-secret sketchbook, an excessive supply of tampons, two paintbrushes, a cell phone, a folded piece of paper with unknown contents, a Best Buy gift card from 2001, tissues, a bra strap headband, ticket stub for Bourne Ultimatum, a pen, ticket stub from a Pirates/Phillies game, an abandoned to-do list, two tubes of chapstick, a frequent shopper card for Paradise Bakery, a frequent shopper card for Subway, a Dum-Dum, a Trax pass, moisturizing lipstick, and a baggie full of business cards? I hope you can!!!


Unknown said...

uh oh...that reminds me..i think your anthropology gift card ended up in my purse over break..well i guess it's a good thing b/c you obviously have plenty to carry around!

brook said...

ohhhh good!!! That was one thing that I expected to see in my pile and it wasn't there! Give it back next time I see you K?

Scott said...

Purse is to Brook as utility belt is to Batman.