
Lookie Here

Have I done this one yet? Here is a list of things that I have memorized at some point in my life.

the entire movie Hook, as well as Toy Story and most of Billy Madison
pledge of allegience
paul revere's ride
some scriptures
o captian my captain
all of the states and capitals
preamble to the constitiution
gettysburg address
the alphabet forwards and backwards!
dental codes
my lines for the school play Readin' Writin' and Rockin'
the night before christmas
chicka chicka boom boom
that book I read to jake a billion times, bees buzz
shel silverstien poems
a few shakespearean monologues such as the beginning of Romeo and Juliet

There are probably a billion more things that I have memorized but I can't think of them right now.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Two households both alike in dignity in fair Verona where we lay our seen...who remembers this famous day and year who said to a man on the British March...and to the Republic for which it stands...onmlkjihgfedcba!
Those are all very important things! :)